Back to >Alphabet Scripture Lessons
Lesson > A-As For Me and My House
Alphabet Bible Lessons >Letter A
A- As for me and my house we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15)
A-As For Me
>Play Song “As For Me and My House”
>As For My House Craft Template
>As For Me For and My House Copy Work
We are using “ABC Scripture Songs” for our lesson plans.
Do a small skit to show what kind of home (our hearts) do we want to have, and how to have a heart and home that is pleasing to God.
-Have teacher walk out of classroom and close the door behind her. Then knock and
ask may I come in?” The assistant says, “Yes, Please come in. We would love for you to visit our home. We have filled it with love and joy! We have cleaned and cared for it.
So, please come in and let me prepare some food for you. Would you like something to eat?”
-Teacher: OH! Thank-you so much! I had such a hard day. people were so mean! Sometimes the world outside is not nice. So, I just want to thank you for such a warm welcome. (Have teacher look around…)”and your home is so pleasant too. All clean and
pretty.” (Teacher sits down, and assistant feeds her. She has a big smile on her face.
-I feel so loved! Thank you!
Do you see how nice it is to come into a welcoming, clean and pretty home filled with love and joy? The home in the skit represents our hearts. Are our hearts be filled with love? Are they clean.
-Our homes and hearts get messy sometimes, right? Sometimes we get all grumbly and then we are not nice to our family and friends. We might even lie so as not to get into trouble, or take something that isn’t ours. Those things makes our hearts dirty and messy.
-What are some things that makes your hearts messy or dirty? Let children share.
-How do we clean up our hearts (conscience)? Let children share. Ask God for forgiveness. Tell the people you hurt that you are sorry.
-How do we make our hearts (conscience) pretty? Reading the Bible, praying, going to church to learn about God, and all that He has done for us. Sing worship songs. Share with other people what God has done.
>Craft: Popsicle Stick Home With Verse.
1-Print out Home Verse and cut out.
2-Place white glue onto Popsicle sticks, first place Popsicle stick along the sides of the house, then the bottom, then along the roof. (If you have time you can first paint the Popsicle sticks. Allow enough drying time.)
3-Glue a short looped ribbon for a hanger, or a magnet.
4-Add some flowers or other decorations to make your home pretty for Jesus!
Use a large graham cracker as the house and let the children decorate their house with cut up celery, carrots, and raisins with cream cheese for glue.
>Important POINT: This lesson is on maintaining a good relationship with God, after salvation. This is NOT a salvation lesson. We can never on our own clean up our own sins. Only Christ can do that. This lesson is how to keep our hearts clean and unspotted from the world. We CAN’T clean up our sins. Once we have accepted the work of Jesus’ redemption on the cross, and He cleans us, then we come into a relationship with Jesus and HE helps us to keep our hearts and consciences clean.
First we come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive ALL of our sins. All the things we have ever done wrong (lying, stealing, not listening, being mean), and Jesus comes into our hearts (our conscience: the place in our spirits where we know we did wrong and feel bad. And Jesus cleans our conscience all up.) He paid for all of our sins on the cross, because we can’t take our own sins away, but Jesus did that for us. Once we have confessed (told) God that we are a sinner (did stuff wrong) and ask Him to forgive us. Jesus gave His life for us so we can be clean before God, then we give our loves to God to serve Him because of what He has done for us!