Children’s Church Ministry
Children’s Sunday School Ministry
Our goal is to reach each and every child with the Gospel, and have them come to know & love Jesus, & desire with their whole heart to live for Him.
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Goals for Our Children’s Ministry
- Each child should have their own Bible
- Children learn about Bible: People & Books
- Children Learn How To Read Bible
- Important Parts: 10 Commandments, Beatitudes, Lord’s Prayer
- Making sure each child hears the Gospel
- Each child has their own Bible.
- Is taught really well about the love of God.
- Children are taught basics of Christian faith
- Who Jesus is and how great His LOVE for all of us is.
- What He did for us
- How to get to heaven
- How to pray and know God will always hear
- Fathers & Mothers of the faith- Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Ester, Paul, etc
Pray that all of our children baptized this year ;-), and we are praying for the additional children to also have a desire to not just to learn about Jesus, but to live for Him.
Let The Children Come Matt.19:14
God gave us Pretty Feet!
“Beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News”
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:15
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7
Let the children come & DO NOT HINDER THEM!
The only reason why millions if not more children do not know the LORD is because the church as a whole has fallen short in letting the children come…..
For us here as a body-as people who love the Lord and are serving Him
We are not just “let” but escort personally each and every child to come into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
It is a privilege to teach the child and God calls those who are patient and gentle of spirit to do so. Knowing that the children are so precious to Him.
They are overlooked by the world, but of eternal worth to Him.
End times –the love of many will grow cold
We as the church of Christ our love should be red hot.
We should be stepping in & filling the gaps of the broken families, broken society-
Not in our strength but as God enables, strengthens and guides
John 21:5
“Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?”
“They answered Him, “No.”
Throw out your net-“I will give you food”
Are we spending time in the LORD and receiving food for ourselves so when we go into the class we are overflowing and give the children spiritual food from our overflow and abundance. What we have received from the Lord.
Feed My Sheep
-Jesus is asking us “Do you love Me?”
Feed My lambs
-Jesus is asking us “Do you love Me?”
Tend My sheep
-Jesus is asking us “Do you love Me?”
Feed My sheep
- If you are only attending church when you teach you should spend time with the LORD and fix that so you can feed His sheep.
- We need to be feed so we can feed others.
- That’s why we have a rotating schedule so you can be part of the fellowship and teach long term.
- Clean rooms-you can even make it pretty.
Preschool-Kindergarten-1st Grade Class (Ages 3- 7)
-All children must be potty trained.
-Children are taught basics of Christian faith
-Who Jesus is and how great His LOVE for all of us is.
-What He did for us
-How to get to heaven
-How to pray and know God will always hear
-Fathers & Mothers of the faith- Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Ester, Paul, etc
-Important Bible Stories
We have “Bible Time” where all the children gather around and listen to the story read from the Bible, and then the teacher explains what it means to us and them. They do crafts, games and sometimes snacks that go along with the lesson.
This group has some children with functional & learning disabilities be patient.
Elementary Class Grades 2-5 (Ages 7-11)
In this grade level we focus on teaching the children the books of the Bible, how to use the Bible, how to find the books of the Bible etc. That God wrote the Bible for them! That praying is you talking to God and reading the Bible Is God talking to you.
Since the children can read each child is encouraged each week to bring their bible. If the child does not have one we’ll buy them a children’s Bible.
Each week we read from the Bible the children get their memory verse and underline it in their Bible and are encouraged to also read at home. So each child becomes familiar with their own Bible and hopefully Bible reading becomes a part of their daily life.
-Since they can read at this age they can learn about Jesus not just from parents and teachers but on their own.
-This is a great group which is hungry to learn about God. Teachers have to be able to communicate the Bible well and have the comprehension to take the time necessary to reach the children where they need.
Some of the children are going through serious problems in their home life facing very real adult-like problems at a young age. (Having only 1 parent, being homeless, having parents that are divorced, etc…) Yet we pray the LORD will reach these young children and in the midst of all that is going on in their young lives he will become their HOPE, COMFORT, REFUGE, ROCK-that he will truly become their SAVIOR. And our prayer is that as they know him greater then they will share HIS love and comfort with others (their friends, peers).
Junior High Class Grades 6-9 (Ages 12-16)
Children are taught from the Bible- right now NKJ but teachers would like NIV which would be easier for some of them to understand. The teachers teach through the whole Bible each week a new chapter, verse upon verse. We are in the Book of Luke having just finished Mark. Teachers use Jon Courson Commentary to help teach.
We Are:
- Making sure each child hears the Gospel
- Each child has their own Bible.
- Is taught really well about the love of God.
- We will have teachers praying before for class and a more concerted effort to pray for our children in need.
Pray: God has given these children to us it is our privilege and responsibility to teach the children
1-About the Lord (head)
2-Bring them to the Lord (heart)
3-Talk to the Lord themselves (relationship)
4-Walk with the Lord (feet)
5-Bring others to the Lord (arms)
ALL children are the Lords, He created them for Himself and desires that they be saved, and transformed and disciples even at this young age. They are never too young. They are His.
Our goal as we teach, disciple and train is to help the children come into a personal relationship with God themselves.
Not just to know about God, but KNOW God!
All teaching that goes on in our classes should be out of a bible. If we teach our children about Jesus and His love and all the work He has done for us but then don’t teach them that they can learn about His love for themselves we have only done part of the work God has Called us to do.
When I was young the many wonderful Christians that came into my life and left seeds of faith did a wonderful job of leaving a fragrant testimony so that way as I became older it was easy for me to choose Jesus. However I was afraid to read the Bible. I thought only good people holy people could read the Bible, even touch the Bible. I remember being little and learning a lesson about Moses, but only with paper and scissors and glue, no one read from the Bible, not the teachers, priests or pastors that I can remember.
Our goal is that every single child
1-has a bible (at their age level)
2-that they learn how to read the Bible (index, chapter, verse) etc
3-that they read as soon as possible
Never feel like you have to rush through a lesson, take the time to teach the children how to find a book in the Bible, chapter and verse.
Even if most of the children know it and one doesn’t, ask a child next to that one to show him. That will teach them to evangelize and get them comfortable in showing other children to read the Bible
It was amazing at camp when we broke up into groups we had different ages from about 13-70.
It was amazing what we learned from each other. The 13 was encouraged by the 17, and the other people I think realized that the younger ones knew the lord better then they did!
Our goal is that each child comes into a personal relation with God.
That they “Come to KNOW the love of Christ, not just know about the love of Christ.”
For years it has been on my heart that we teach the children through the Bible.
We are using the Costa Mesa Calvary Chapel kids curriculum & Trueway Kids.
We have links to dates and teaching lessons online so you can just click and get the info. We will also be printing out schedule as usual.
We will be having:
1-praying for kids back to school
2-parents open house after church, so the parents can meets us etc
3- I will be meeting with each group of teachers for grade related info
Please if you have any concerns questions or suggestion please let me know!
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible
Which would take us 22 years to teach through a chapter a week
We have a 3 year teaching schedule, so by the time a child who starts in the nursery and graduates into the regular service has been taught through the Bible.
We also have to celebrate holidays, memorize the ten commandments, beatitudes, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Preschool-Kindergarten-1st Grade Class (Ages 3- 7)all children must be potty trained.
Children are taught basics of Christian faith:
-Who Jesus is and how great his LOVE for all of us is.
-What He did for us
-How to get to heaven
-How to pray and know God will always hear
-Fathers & Mothers of the faith- Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Ester, Paul, etc
-We have “Bible Time” where all the children gather around and listen to the story read from the Bible, and then the teacher explains what it means to us and them. They do crafts, games and sometimes snacks that go along with the lesson.
-This group has some children with functional & learning disabilities and needs more patient and skilled teachers.
Elementary Class Grades 2-5 (Ages 7-11)
In this grade level we focus on teaching the children the books of the Bible, how to use the Bible, how to find the books of the Bible etc. That God wrote the Bible for them! That praying is you talking to God and reading the Bible Is God talking to you.
Since the children can read each child is encouraged each week to bring their bible. If the child does not have one we’ll buy them a children’s Bible.
Each week we read from the Bible the children get their memory verse and underline it in their Bible and are encouraged to also read at home. So each child becomes familiar with their own Bible and hopefully Bible reading becomes a part of their daily life.
-Since they can read at this age they can learn about Jesus not just from parents and teachers but on their own.
-This is our largest group approx. 24 kids. This is a great group which is hungry to learn about God. Teachers have to be able to communicate the Bible well and have the comprehension to take the time necessary to reach the children where they need.
Some of the children are going through serious problems in their home life facing very real adult-like problems at a young age. (Having only 1 parent, being homeless, having parents that are divorced, etc…) Yet we pray the LORD will reach these young children and in the midst of all that is going on in their young lives he will become their HOPE,COMFORT ,REFUGE,ROCK-that he will truly become their SAVIOR. And our prayer is that as they know Him greater then they will share HIS love and comfort with others (their friends, peers).
OUR Desire for teachers of this age group is to have them all be couples (husbands and wives), it seems to be a blessing to the children and also the couple teaching.
Junior High Class Grades 6-9 (Ages 12-16)
Children are taught from the Bible- right now NKJ but teachers would like NIV which would be easier for some of them to understand. The teachers teach through the whole Bible each week a new chapter, verse upon verse. We are in the Book of Luke having just finished Mark. Teachers use Jon Courson Commentary to help teach.
-Need larger room- some discipline problems. We need a strong hand to stay in control of class. Kids not bad just will talk over teacher & other kids. Some of the children have no father in the home-boys need mentoring. Most kids are just coming for parents-but God’s word never comes back void. Need to show the love of Jesus so kids will know it is real.
Discipline in love. It seems there are children who are more serious about the LORD
Than others (but we know that is true with the adults in the church also.) This seems a bigger issue then it really is because the classroom is so small.
AS of now because of space any child that is in the 9th grade or older –go with their parents to sit in regular church service. We pray that if possible we would like to see this older group have a class also (because of all the life issues they face during this age) or at least a youth group where they can be with there peers of like heart (LOVING JESUS).
“Beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News”
God gave us Pretty Feet!
Let the children come & DO NOT HINDER THEM!
The only reason why millions if not more children do not know the LORD is because the church as a whole has fallen short in letting the children come…..
For us here as a body-as people who love the Lord and are serving Him.
We are not just “let” but escort personally each and every child to come into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
It is a privilege to teach the child and God calls those who are patient and gentle of spirit to do so. Knowing that the children are so precious to Him.
They are overlooked by the world, but of eternal worth to Him.
End times –the love of many will grow cold
We as the church of Christ our love should be red hot.
We should be stepping in & filling the gaps of the broken families, broken society-
Not in our strength but as God enables, strengthens and guides.
John 21:5
“Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?”
“They answered Him, “No.”
Throw out your net-“I will give you food”
Are we spending time in the LORD and receiving food for ourselves so when we go into the class we are overflowing and give the children spiritual food from our overflow and abundance. What we have received from the Lord.
Teacher Expectation:
- Pray for their children
- If you are only attending church when you teach you should step down.
- We need to be feed so we can feed others.
- That’s why we have a rotating schedule so you can be part of the fellowship and teach long term.
- Clean rooms-you can even make it pretty!