Teaching Schedule

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Trueway Kids Bible Lesson Plans for Preschool


SS Schedule Elementary 2024


1. God Made The World -Genesis 1
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Preschool – Lakchmy / Caitlyn
Elementary – Barbara
Jr High -Frank/Camille

2. God Made Us in His Image -Genesis 2
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Preschool – Denise/Lynda
Elementary – Manny
Jr High-Frank/Camille

3. The Second Chance -John 8 (212)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Preschool – Nicole/Lynda
Elementary – Colleen
Jr High-Jason

4. The Lost Son -Luke 15 (215)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Preschool – Lakchmy/Caitlyn
Elementary – Barbara
Jr High -Frank

5. Disobeying God -Genesis 3 (3)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Preschool – Denise/Nicole
Elementary –Manny
Jr High-Frank

6. The Great Commission
Preschool – Christina/Caitlyn (changed)
Elementary / Elementary –Colleen
Jr High-Jason S.

7. Forgiveness -Matthew 18 (213)
Preschool – Lakchmy/Nicole
Elementary – Barbara
Jr High -Frank

8. The Good Samaritan -Luke 10 (217)
Preschool – Denise/Nicole
Elementary – Jason A.
Jr High-Frank

9. Harvest
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Preschool – Christina/Caitlyn (changed)
Elementary –
Jr High-Jason S.

10. Handing Over To Joshua -Deuteronomy 31-32 (57)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Preschool – Lakchmy/Lynda
Elementary –
Jr High -Frank/Camille

11. Thanksgiving
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

12. Moses Sees The Promised Land -Deuteronomy 33-34 (58)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

13. A Lamp For My Feet -Psalm 119 (162)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

14. Christmas
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

15. Christmas
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

16. Christmas
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

17. Spies In Jericho -Joshua 1-4 (59)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

18. The Walls of Jericho -Joshua 6 (61)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

19. Martha and Mary -Luke 10 (218)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

20. The Rich Ruler -Matthew 19; Mark 10; Luke 18 (221)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

21. The Soul of a Lazy Man -Proverbs 13:4 (page 353)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

22. God Calls Gideon -Judges 6 (64)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

23. Gideon and the Three Hundred -Judges 7 (65)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

24. Wise and Foolish Girls -Matthew 25 (223)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School

26. Joseph -Genesis 37 (23)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Lakchmy/Maria – Barbara/Manny – Teacher

27. The Wine Steward and the Baker -Genesis 40 (26)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Denise/Lynda – Debbie/Collen Teacher

28. Water In The Desert -Psalm 63 (161)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Nicole/Christina – Jason Teacher

29. A Wise Leader -Genesis 41 (29)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Lakchmy/Maria – Barbara – Frank/Camille

30. Where There’s A Will -Matthew 9; Mark 2; Luke 5 (188)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Denise – Debbie/Collen – Frank/Camille

31. The Woman At The Well -John 4 (191)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Nicole – Jason – Frank/Camille

32. Jacob Leaves Egypt -Genesis 45;17-50:26 (78)
PreschoolElementary – Jr High/ High School
Lakchmy/Maria – Manny/Barbara – Frank/Camille
> Additional Activities

33. Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart (page 350)
PreschoolElementary – Jr High/ High School
Nicole/Christina – Debbie/Collen – Frank/Camille

34. A Baby In The Reeds -Exodus 2 (35)
PreschoolElementary – Jr High/ High School
Nicole/Christina – Jason – Frank/Camille

35. Just Sleeping -Matthew 9; Mark 5; Luke 8 (194)
PreschoolElementary – Jr High/ High School
Lakchmy/Maria – Barbara – Frank/Camille

36. The Healing At The Pool John 5 (197)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Denise/Lynda – Debbie/Collen – Frank/Camille
Additional Lesson Plans & Activities:
The Healing At The Pool John 5
The Healing At The Pool John 5

37. The Burning Bush -Exodus 3-4 (36)
PreschoolElementary – Jr High/ High School
Nicole/Christina – Jason – Frank/Camille
Additional Lesson Plans & Activities:
The Burning Bush

38. The Plagues -Exodus 7-11 (38)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
Lakchmy/Maria – Manny – Frank/Camille

39. Sermon On The Mount -Matthew 5; Luke 6 (198)
Preschool – Elementary – Jr High/ High School
ADDITIONAL > Beatitudes

40. A Firm Foundation -Matthew 7; Luke 6 (438)
PreschoolElementaryJr High/ High School
Nicole/Christina – Jason – Frank/Camille
Calvary Curriculum Matthew 7:24-29
Trueway Kids Matthew 7:24-29
Coloring Pages & Activities

41. Crossing The Red Sea -Exodus 13-15 (41)
PreschoolElementary Jr High/ High School
Lakchmy/Maria – Barbara – Frank/Camille
Calvary Curriculum Crossing The Red Sea

42. The Ten Commandments -Exodus 19-20 (44)
Preschool – Denise/Lynda
Elementary – Collen
Jr High -Frank/Camille

43. Jesus Calms The Storm -Matthew 8; Mark 4; Luke 8 (204)
Preschool – Nicole/Christina
Elementary – Jason
Jr High -Frank/Camille

44. Parable of the Sower -Matthew 13; Mark 4; Luke 8 (206)
Preschool – Lakchmy
Elementary – Barbara
Jr High-Frank/Camille

45. Wisdom Comes From God -Proverbs 1:7 (page 351)
Preschool – Denise/Lynda
Elementary – Collen
Jr High-Frank/Camille

46. God Shows His Glory -Exodus 33-34 (47)
Preschool –Nicole/Christina
Elementary – Jason
Jr High-Frank/Camille

47. The Twelve Spies –Numbers 13-14 (50)
Preschool – Lakchmy
Elementary – Manny
Jr High -Frank/Camille

48. Crumbs From The Table -Matthew 15; Mark 7 (209)
Preschool – Denise/Lynda
Elementary – Collen
Jr High-Frank/Camille

49. Jesus and the Children -Matthew 19; Mark 10; Luke 18 (211)
Preschool – Nicole/Christina
Elementary – Jason
Jr High -Frank/Camille

50. Water From The Rock -Numbers 20 (52)
Preschool – Lakchmy
Elementary – Barbara
Jr High -Frank/Camille

51. Time For Change -Numbers 27 (55)
Preschool – Denise/Lynda
Elementary – Collen
Jr High-Frank/Camille

52. God Is My Fortress -Psalm 18, 91 (157)
Preschool – Nicole/Christina
Elementary – Jason
Jr High-Frank/Camille